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This collection was made on very exceptional pieces of wood, all of them have a history of great thickness and large size, in short, a very special vibration.

A painting technique in the stain, worked to obtain great precision, a realism offering all the pride of the animal. Natural shades of gray, mahogany to black.

Approval: Abondance breed cow portrait .
71 x 64 cm
900 € Available at the workshop
Portrait vache race Abondance peit sur plateau de bois

The 1950s to 1960s saw the appearance of exotic wood in the valley.

This old board from the end of the world.

Asleep in the cellars of an informed murderer.

Find his panache under the brush.

The summits call: Abondance cow breed portrait
97 x 58 cm
900 € Available at the workshop
Portrait vache race Abondance peint sur plateau de bois

The hooves clap on the tar, the flaps strike

the heart of the bells.

An alpine percussion agitates the herd in a frantic race.

Athletes measure themselves with concentration.

Adolescent heart: Abondance breed cow portrait .
65 x 37 cm
550 € Not available
Coeur d'adolescent peinture directe sur bois acrylique

Far from confrontation; young heifers regroup to secure themselves. Childish attitude of adolescent girls. Ephemeral look of sweetness, engraved in the thickness of the wood.

Chatelaine: Abondance cow breed portrait
57,5 x 39 cm
350 € Not available
Chatelaine tableau peinture portrait de vache. Peinture fine peinture artistique Haute-Savoie.

The quenched character of an Abundance.

Type of spruce wood from the Chablais valley.

The thickness of the support borrows from the bark;

give the painting a plush envelope.

Heifer triplet: Abondance breed cow portrait .
64,5 x 33,5 cm
550 € Available at the workshop
Triplette de jeunes vaches qui se tiennent en rang serré.

A trunk of young cows.

The hair still curly like a plush, already discerns the location of the horns soon the adult statue will be established.

Riding: painting cows breeds Abundance.
98 x 52,5 cm
900 € Available at the workshop
Chevauchée : peinture acrylique sur bois. Artiste peintre Haut-Savoie

Intrepid ride, the call of gentians, pansies, centaurs and other mountain plants.

The scent of fresh fodder sweeps the herd away in an astonishing frenzy

Duchess of Savoy: Abondance breed cow portrait .
51 x 28 cm
350 € Not available
Peinture sur bois : Duchesse de Savoie

Proud allure the Duchess. A personality emanates from this slice of wood like a slice of life.

It is not the Gepetto chisel that transformed this noble material but a simple brush. Yet the magic is the same.

Sourrire de Jocond : painting cows breeds Abundance.
79 x 95 cm
1200 € Not available
NON DISPONIBLE : Sourrire de Joconde

Satisfaction, mocking, discreet, or pinching without laughing. A bunch of smiles. The animal surprises us! Size: 79 X 95 cm thickness 5 cm. Old slice of exotic wood aged in the workshop of a former carpenter since the 1950s.

Hardie: Abondance breed cow portrait .
56 x 48 cm
 Not available
NON DISPONIBLE : Hardie peinturesur plateau de bois

The daring movement, animal curves, of this cow of abundance, sways from the veins to the edge of the spruce.

Furtive : Abondance cow breed portrait
41 x 36,5 cm
250 € Not available
Furtive tableau peinture fine animaux vaches

Like a missal, this piece of attic relates the life of the pasture.

How many winter have split his veins?

The stealthy imprint of the past is inscribed.

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